Sugaring removes hair from the root, creating trauma to the follicle. The body may react to this trauma with a histamine reaction, which for many clients occurs almost immediately. This is not abnormal—the body perceives hair removal as a threat and the immune system kicks in, responding with histamine to fight the threat as if it were an allergic reaction. In most cases, the body is reacting to the hair being pulled out, not from the wax being used. How much histamine an individual will produce and how much their skin will react varies and is difficult to predict.


As an added incentive, for the month of January, get 15% off all services 30min or more with Jay, our newest sugarist.*

Almost any area of the body can be sugared. If you’re unsure which option to book, contact us directly to discuss your options. Rates are based on time needed and all booking times are approximate.

Your first visit may take longer. Your sugarist will let you know if you need extra time or if you should schedule a shorter session for your return.

Rates based on time are as follows:

15 Minutes: $55
20 Minutes: $65
30 Minutes: $85
45 Minutes: $125
60 Minutes: $165
75 Minutes: $195
90 Minutes: $230

*Discount applies to services with Jay only. Does NOT apply to 15/20min sessions or Full Body. Discount will be automatically added at time of service.

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